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Things are Falling….Into Place


As Fall is in full swing, TomandChickpea has had an opportunity to gain some comfort, foot traffic and rhythm with its brick and mortar location in Derry, Nh. Since having the soft opening in June, I have met just one after another amazing person. I am starting to establish business connections with other local business owners, in addition to creating ongoing customer relations with repeat clients. This is all beautifully laying the groundwork for the official Grand Opening scheduled for Friday November 5th. I honestly think I am most excited about wielding those big scissors as I cut the ribbon to a new and truly beautifully imagined chapter in mine and my kids’ lives. I cannot forget to include Sue Carner with My Fathers’ Footsteps. Her handmade jewelry is drawing in its own clientele as expected, because her work is so unique and such a terrific compliment to the shop’s feel and design. In addition, my kids‘ soccer schedule has been Frenetic, but with Sue‘s help I have been able to go to almost all of their games. The parents of my kids teammates have also been a crucial piece in keeping things organized and making all of this happen ! They help drive my kids around and I also see them supporting my business on social media- thank you. As always, I am being reminded and validated that reaching out and asking for a hand is the only way any of this could be coming to life - and I am taking this moment to appreciate all of you. Xo

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